The Teaching and Learning Center invites members of the CUNY community to contribute to Visible Pedagogy’s “Teach@CUNY Series,“ which spotlights actual assignments, activities, and approaches being used in CUNY classrooms. (more…)
Mar 15 | Race in the CUNY Classroom
RACE IN THE CLASSROOM…… Workshops on Exploring the Impact of Race and Racism on Teaching Wednesday, March 15th, 5:30-9PM in room 5414 Refreshments served from 5:30-6:00PM Are you a GC student who teaches or plans to? (more…)
Scholarship Announcement: Decorative Arts Trust Study Abroad Scholarship to Scotland, June 7-16
The Decorative Arts Trust is offering a scholarship to participate in its upcoming Study Trip Abroad to Scotland, June 7-16, 2017. This opportunity is available to graduate students and young professionals whose research focuses on European decorative arts, particularly of the British Isles. The tour itinerary is found on the Trust’s website (more…)
Feb 24 | Sounding the Middle Ages
Have you ever wondered what music of the Middle Ages might have sounded like? Join us for a live recreation of Troubadour and Trouvère songs, as well as instrumental pieces from the Manuscrit du Roi. See Medieval-model instruments in action, and engage with the performers in a question-and-answer session about the repertoire and their instruments. […]
Feb 24-25 | The Futures of Medieval Historiography” Conference
Registration is now open for “The Futures of Medieval Historiography” conference, to be held at Van Pelt Library at the University of Pennsylvania on February 24-25. The conference is free and open to the public, but registration is requested. Please see the attached poster for the full list of speakers. Further details and the link […]
Feb 10 | A Case study Byzantine monasticism in two Anatolian provinces, c. 500-700
The moderators of Friends of the Saints seminars in late antique, medieval and early modern hagiography and religious history at the CUNY Graduate Center are pleased to invite you to its first “Byzantine Spring 2017” talk on Byzantine religious/saintly subjects: Friday February 10, 7:00 pm in room 5105: David A. Heayn (GC History Ph.D. Candidate): A Case […]
Ongoing Challenges of Graduate School Life Group
Ongoing Challenges of Graduate School Life Group Wellness Center, Student Counseling Services Sometimes class work is the least of the graduate student’s burdens. Balancing school, work, family and friends, coping with feelings of isolation or competition, navigating relationships with faculty, sustaining focus and motivation, living on a tight budget and making progress toward your degree […]
The Parenting and Graduate School Support Group
Every Monday 12:45pm – 2:00pm The Group addresses the difficulty of managing the usual stresses of graduate student life. If you are also a parent, juggling multiple responsibilities can be a real challenge. This weekly group offers parenting support. Should you be interested in taking advantage, please contact The Wellness Center directly at 212-817-7020.
Due Feb 15 | Applications for Medieval Academy Grants
REMINDER: Applications for these Medieval Academy programs are due by 15 February: MAA Dissertation Grants: The nine annual Medieval Academy Dissertation Grants support advanced graduate students who are writing Ph.D. dissertations on medieval topics. The $2,000 grants help defray research expenses. Click here for more information. (more…)
March 8 | Learning and Time Management Strategies for Graduate Students
Wellness Center Workshop Wednesday, March 8th, 2017, 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm Room #C205 This FREE Workshop will provide you with an overview of principles for effective learning and time management based on the most up to date research. It will teach you how to apply these strategies in order to maximize study time, improve information […]