Deadline extended April 7 | CFP – Shift: Graduate Journal of Visual and Material Culture (Issue 10)

Shift, Issue 10, Call for Papers

Submission deadline: March 22, 2017

Shift: Graduate Journal of Visual and Material Culture welcomes academic papers, exhibition and book reviews, translations of important texts into English, as well as other texts—of traditional or experimental format— addressing issues relevant to our visual and material world from current graduate students.

The committee welcomes submissions dealing with visual and material culture from any discipline. Papers may address a full range of topics and historical periods. Topics may include, but are not limited to, art and propaganda; patronage; gender and identity; spirituality and art; nationalisms and regionalisms; materialism; globalization in/of art and material culture; modernism and modernity; performance art; corporeality, photography, film, and video; perspectives in theory, methodology, and historiography; original and copy or counterfeit; collection and representation, art and technology.

This journal is an online publication. All manuscripts should be sent by email to [email protected]. Papers must be submitted to the editors of Shift by March 22 2017. The issue launch will take place in October 2017.

Selection Process

For each issue, submitted papers will be reviewed by an Editorial Committee composed of current graduate students. Papers considered the strongest will be sent to the Editorial Board, which is composed of upper-level graduate students and established scholars. Papers judged by the Editorial Board as contributing to existing scholarship will be accepted for publication in the journal. All papers are selected by blind jury panel.

Submission and Style Guidelines

  1. Please read the following points carefully before submitting to Shift. Submissions that do not follow these regulations will not be considered for publication.
  2. Authors must be registered as graduate students at the time they submit their work.
  3. All reviews must conform to the style guidelines as outlined in The Chicago Manual of Style, 15th or newer edition.
  4. Images should be placed in-text throughout the document, not located together at the end. All images and figures should be properly captioned according to The Chicago Manual of Style, 15th or newer edition. Authors are responsible for securing rights to all images and figures used within their paper. Authors must produce evidence that these rights have been obtained before an image or figure will be published.
  5. In order to ensure blind readings from the Editorial Committee, authors must remove any identifying information from the content of the submission.
  6. Please submit a separate document with the author’s name, title of paper/review, institutional affiliation and email address.

Shift is currently hosted by the Institute of Fine Arts, NYU

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