Archive | Awards/Grants

Due Mar 23 | Applications for Videography Fellowship

GC Digital Initiatives – Videography Fellowships The GC Digital Initiatives’ is now accepting applications for two new fellows to join its Videography Fellows program.  Ph.D. students with digital video editing and camera skills are invited to apply. The Videography Fellows Program promotes the scholarly activities of GC programs, centers, and initiatives by filming events such […]

Due Feb 28 | Applications for Conference Presentation Support funds

The 2016-2017 Conference Presentation Support fund will provide funds to Graduate Center students in Ph.D. programs for travel to professional meetings and conferences to present invited papers and posters or to participate in scheduled sessions. The 2016-2017 Conference Presentation Support fund will provide more than 400 awards (approx. 210 per semester), to a maximum of […]

Scholarship Announcement: Decorative Arts Trust Study Abroad Scholarship to Scotland, June 7-16

The Decorative Arts Trust is offering a scholarship to participate in its upcoming Study Trip Abroad to Scotland, June 7-16, 2017. This opportunity is available to graduate students and young professionals whose research focuses on European decorative arts, particularly of the British Isles. The tour itinerary is found on the Trust’s website (more…)

Due Feb 15 | Applications for Medieval Academy Grants

REMINDER: Applications for these Medieval Academy programs are due by 15 February: MAA Dissertation Grants: The nine annual Medieval Academy Dissertation Grants support advanced graduate students who are writing Ph.D. dissertations on medieval topics. The $2,000 grants help defray research expenses. Click here for more information. (more…)

Extended deadline Feb 20 | 2017-2018 Graduate Student Public Humanities Fellowship

The Center for the Humanities at The Graduate Center, CUNY and Humanities New York announce the call for applicants for the 2017-2018 Graduate Student Public Humanities Fellowship. The Graduate Student Public Humanities Fellowship was developed by Humanities New York in partnership with seven New York research universities to bring humanities scholarship into the public realm, […]

Due Feb 15 | Grad A Fellowship Opportunity

The Interactive Technology & Pedagogy doctoral certificate program is seeking a doctoral student to receive a one-year renewable Grad “A” fellowship (or its equivalent). Supported by the fellowship, the student will serve as the Managing Editor of the ITP program’s open, online, peer-reviewed Journal of Interactive Technology & Pedagogy ( The Managing Editor oversees the […]

Deadline Feb 15 | Grad A Fellowship Opportunity

The Interactive Technology & Pedagogy doctoral certificate program is seeking a doctoral student to receive a one-year renewable Grad “A” fellowship (or its equivalent). Supported by the fellowship, the student will serve as the Managing Editor of the ITP program’s open, online, peer-reviewed Journal of Interactive Technology & Pedagogy ( The Managing Editor oversees the […]

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