Due Mar 31 | Applications for CLACS Summer Travel Fellowships

The Center for Latin American, Caribbean, and Latino Studies (CLACLS) is accepting proposals for its 2017 Summer Research Travel Fellowships. CLACLS will award fellowships of up to $1,000 (partial awards will also be granted) to full-time students currently enrolled in one of the Doctoral programs at the Graduate Center who are interested in travelling to Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain, or Portugal to conduct research during the Summer 2017.Eligible expenses will include travel and accommodation costs incurred to examine archival and other primary source material and/or to interview relevant informants. Partial awards to cover the eligible expenses may be made. Expenses attendant to travel to scholarly conferences, classes, or seminars are not eligible for support.

All applications must be submitted as ONE SINGLE DOCUMENT (Word or PDF) to [email protected] with the subject heading “[LAST NAME] 2017 Travel Fellowship Application”.  Please arrange your document’s application materials in the following order:

  1. A single cover page stating the applicant’s full name, email address, home address, GC program, field of study, and title of the research proposal
  2. An additional one-page description of the research project with at least some mention of the proposed trip’s larger scholarly relevance (500 words maximum)
  3. A one-page budget proposal (as detailed as possible)
  4. Curriculum Vitae (no more than three pages)
  5. An up-to-date Graduate Center transcript (an unofficial copy from GC Banner is fine)

Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until March 31st, 2017 at 5pm (hard deadline)

Decisions will go out April 7th, 2017 by 5pm

Please contact CLACLS directly with any questions — 212.817.8438

Information regarding former winners can be found on the CLACLS website at http://clacls.gc.cuny.edu

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