Deadline Mar 31 | AAS / CUNY Summer Digital Fellowship

Under the auspices of the American Antiquarian Society (AAS) and The Graduate Center Digital Initiatives (GCDI) program, a summer fellow is sought to transform ten early American literary text from PDF to TEI-encoded XML. These text have been published on Common-place: The Journal of Early American Life’s Just Teach One and need to be encoded according to the AAS TEI schema. Just Teach One, edited by Duncan Faherty (CUNY Graduate Center) and Ed White (Tulane University), aims to recover neglected or forgotten texts for teaching and studying early America. AAS manages the production of the site, and AAS Digital Humanities Curator Molly Hardy oversees the TEI-encoding of the texts.The summer fellow will work closely, though remotely with Dr. Hardy at an office in the Graduate Center. Working approximately 9 hours a week for 10 weeks, the intern will be trained in the AAS TEI schema. Towards the end of the work, the fellow will also be asked to reflect on their experience in an approximately 750-word post on AAS’s blog, Past is Present, which receives over 40,000 unique visitors per year. The fellow’s contributions to the JTO project will also be noted on that site. The total compensation for this work will be $3,000.

The expected dates of the fellowship are Monday, June 5th until Friday, August 11th; negotiation of the start and end dates is possible.

The successful candidate will:

  • Be able to work independently;
  • Pay close attention to details;
  • Be highly organized;
  • Have some familiarity with XML and / or a willingness to learn;
  • Have some familiarity with and / or interest in early American literature and culture;
  • Be familiar with Microsoft Excel and / or Google forms and spreadsheets;
  • Have excellent written and oral communication skills.

Please note only current GC doctoral students (at any level) are eligible to apply for this fellowship.

To apply for the position, please send a resume (including contacts for two references) and a cover letter to: Molly Hardy [email protected]

Review of applications will begin Friday, March 31st, 2017.

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