May 5 | “The Algebra of Atonement”- Talk by Valerie Allen

7:30pm Room 9204Persian mathematician al-Khwarizmi’s Algebra (c.830) and St. Anselm’s Cur Deus Homo, (c.1098) have just about nothing in common. The latter was composed some fifty years prior to the earliest translation into Latin of the former, and the two texts address very different topics: calculation of business transactions on the one hand and, on […]

May 10 & May 18 | Webinars on Grad Student Personal Finance

Please join us for two upcoming webinars on personal finance for graduate students. The presenter is Emily Roberts, who holds a PhD in biomedical engineering and is the founder of the websites Grad Student Finances ( and PhD Stipends ( It may seem impossible to think about financial health when your earnings are low and […]

May 9 | Preparing for Careers Outside of Academia

3:00 pm – 5:00 pm, CUNY Graduate Center, room 9205 Ben Zweig and Jonathan DeBusk, GC alums from Economics and Sociology and current strategy consultants in the IBM Chief Analytics Office (CAO), will speak about their experience in searching for, interviewing and transitioning to careers outside of academia, as well as answer your questions. They […]

May 8 | Teach@CUNY Day

On May 8th, 2017, the Teaching and Learning Center will be hosting the second Teach@CUNY Day. This event is scheduled for 9am-4pm on the Concourse Level of the Graduate Center. Teach@CUNY Day is open to the entire CUNY community, but we especially encourage attendance by students at the Graduate Center who are or who will be teaching in Fall […]

End of Semester Graduate Writing Consultations

Final papers & coursework due? We can help! Sign up for a writing consultation below. Appointment spots are limited & fill up rapidly on a first-come first-serve basis. Sign up now to reserve your consultation. Graduate writing consultants are available to meet with Graduate Center students to review students’ written materials and to discuss writing-related […]

May 5-6 | Fictions of History Critical Theory Conference

The Critical Theory Certificate Program and the Center for the Humanities at the Graduate Center, CUNY invite you to attend “Fictions of History: An Interdisciplinary Conference on Critical Theory.” The conference will take place May 5th-6th, 2017. Stephen Greenblatt will give the Keynote Lecture on May 5th at 6:30, and Mark Anderson, Daniel Kehlmann, and […]

Rooms for rent

Hi all, I am looking to sublet to rooms at my house. One of the rooms would be subletting until September 1st while the other one would be available for the whole year starting as soon as possible. This house is located at  1480 Pacific Street, 2 blocks away from the C subway, in Brooklyn. […]

Due May 12 | Applications for ERI Fellowship in Interdisciplinary Research in the Service of Public Knowledge

Graduate Center Early Research Initiative Fellowships in Interdisciplinary Research in the Service of Public Knowledge The Carnegie Foundation initiative on doctoral education uses the label “steward” to convey a role for scholars that transcends accomplishments and skills: it has an ethical and political dimension. “Self-identifying as a steward,” Chris Golde of Stanford says, “implies adopting […]

Letting Go While Staying Connected: An Interactive Talk for Parents

WORKSHOP Letting Go While Staying Connected: An Interactive Talk for Parents Part I –  May 12, 2017, Friday Part II – May 19, 2017, Friday 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm Room #7209 This FREE workshop will address: One of the most important and challenging aspects of parenting is the capacity to “let go” of one’s […]

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