Archive | Opportunities

Due Feb 28 | Applications for Conference Presentation Support funds

The 2016-2017 Conference Presentation Support fund will provide funds to Graduate Center students in Ph.D. programs for travel to professional meetings and conferences to present invited papers and posters or to participate in scheduled sessions. The 2016-2017 Conference Presentation Support fund will provide more than 400 awards (approx. 210 per semester), to a maximum of […]

Apply for Editor-in-Chief for the Advocate

The Doctoral Students’ Council seeks candidates for the open position of Editor-in-Chief of The GC Advocate student newspaper.  Click on Advocate Job Announcement- Spring 2017 for the full description. Interested candidates should forward a cover letter and resume to the DSC Co-Chair for Student Affairs, Cecilia Salvi ([email protected]), by February 28 at 5:00pm.

Scholarship Announcement: Decorative Arts Trust Study Abroad Scholarship to Scotland, June 7-16

The Decorative Arts Trust is offering a scholarship to participate in its upcoming Study Trip Abroad to Scotland, June 7-16, 2017. This opportunity is available to graduate students and young professionals whose research focuses on European decorative arts, particularly of the British Isles. The tour itinerary is found on the Trust’s website (more…)

Extended deadline Feb 20 | 2017-2018 Graduate Student Public Humanities Fellowship

The Center for the Humanities at The Graduate Center, CUNY and Humanities New York announce the call for applicants for the 2017-2018 Graduate Student Public Humanities Fellowship. The Graduate Student Public Humanities Fellowship was developed by Humanities New York in partnership with seven New York research universities to bring humanities scholarship into the public realm, […]

May 29 – June 23, 2017 | Analysis of Archaeological Ceramics Restoration of Archaeological Ceramics

San Gemini Preservation Studies offers a number of programs that take place during the summer in San Gemini.  Please see the website and consider participating in one of their courses.  Students may be interested in the Analysis of Archaeological Ceramics and the Restoration of Archaeological Ceramics workshops, which provide an excellent background in conservation and […]

Deadline Extended | Excavations of the Baths at Roman Carsulae (Italy), June 11 – July 22, 2017

Applications are now being accepted from students and volunteers to participate in the excavations of the baths at Roman Carsulae. Project and Location   The Roman city of Carsulae, founded in the third century BCE along the Via Flaminia in modern Umbria, was extensively excavated by the Soprintendente for Umbria, Umberto Ciotti, from the 1950s to […]

Deadline Feb 23. | Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Program

The Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Program (DDRA) funds individual dissertation level doctoral students to conduct research in modern foreign languages and area studies for periods of 6 to 12 months. This program is sponsored by the U. S. Department of Education (ED) and is not related to the IIE Fulbright program, which is run […]

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