Early Modern Women: An Interdisciplinary Journal
ACMRS (the Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies) at Arizona State University is seeking an editor or editorial team of two to three in related fields to edit Early Modern Women: An Interdisciplinary Journal for a (renewable) three-year term beginning 1 December 2017.
The editor or editors will be responsible for reviewing submissions, choosing outside readers, offering editorial suggestions, assembling and sending suggestions from editors and readers to authors, sending essays to the Editorial Board for votes, inviting some submissions, overseeing the choice of the annual Forum topic as well as undertaking other tasks related to the pre-publication phase of a scholarly journal and sending finished revisions to ACMRS for copy-editing. In consultation with the Director of ACMRS, the editor or editors will also make any necessary changes to the membership of the Editorial and Advisory Boards of the journal and will report (either in person or electronically) to ACMRS at its annual conference. The editor or editors will be made ex officio member(s) of the ACMRS Advisory Board. In addition, the editor or editors will meet annually with the EMWJ Editorial Board and report to the Society for the Study of Early Modern Women (SSEMW) at the Sixteenth Century Studies Conference or the Attending to Early Modern Women Symposium.
The editor or editors will be expected to deliver final edited copy of each issue of the bi-annual journal to ACMRS by May 1 and December 1 in time for an October and May publication dates. The editor or editors should expect an average of six or more hours of pro bono work each week year-round, with fluctuations over the course of the year. All managing and editing responsibilities will be handled by ACMRS: subscription records and bookkeeping, logging submissions and reviews, receiving and mailing books for reviews, advertisements, copy-editing, typesetting, final proofreading, printing, etc.
The ideal proposal will come from an editor or team of editors specializing in early modern women or gender studies and having an interest in the global early modern period. Although a small stipend will be provided, the editor or editorial team should have strong support at their home institution.
The new editor or editors would begin the transition into the editorship during the summer and winter of 2017 and would take over formally by 1 December 2017. Some flexibility is possible.
Please send a statement describing your interest and qualifications and the level of institutional support you will have for your editorship to [email protected] with “EMWJ Editorial Search Committee” in the subject line. Only electronic applications will be accepted.
Applications should include:
- Statement of interest, qualifications, and nature of institutional support.
- Indication of possible start date, preferably 1 December 2017.
- Current CV or CVs.
- Three letters of recommendation sent directly to [email protected].
Editing experience is desirable. Evidence of successful collaborative work is required as is a commitment both to the field of early modern women and gender studies in a worldwide context and to continuing the EMWJ tradition of excellence that has garnered awards for the journal.
For more information about the journal please see https://acmrs.org/publications/journals/emw/about[acmrs.org].