Please join us on February 10, 11:30 am—1:00 pm in room 5105 for a presentation by Professor Karl Steel on his current work: (more…)
Author Archive | Rukshana Jalil
Deadline Feb 15 | Grad A Fellowship Opportunity
The Interactive Technology & Pedagogy doctoral certificate program is seeking a doctoral student to receive a one-year renewable Grad “A” fellowship (or its equivalent). Supported by the fellowship, the student will serve as the Managing Editor of the ITP program’s open, online, peer-reviewed Journal of Interactive Technology & Pedagogy ( The Managing Editor oversees the […]
April 28 | 24th Graduate Conference on “Vulnerability in the Middle Ages”
The doctoral students in The Program in Medieval Studies at Princeton University invite abstracts for the 24th Graduate Conference on “Vulnerability in the Middle Ages,” which will take place on Friday, April 28, 2017. Sharon Farmer (UC Santa Barbara) will deliver the keynote lecture this year and will join Eleanor Johnson (Columbia) in conversation on […]
May 29 – June 23, 2017 | Analysis of Archaeological Ceramics Restoration of Archaeological Ceramics
San Gemini Preservation Studies offers a number of programs that take place during the summer in San Gemini. Please see the website and consider participating in one of their courses. Students may be interested in the Analysis of Archaeological Ceramics and the Restoration of Archaeological Ceramics workshops, which provide an excellent background in conservation and […]
Deadline Extended | Excavations of the Baths at Roman Carsulae (Italy), June 11 – July 22, 2017
Applications are now being accepted from students and volunteers to participate in the excavations of the baths at Roman Carsulae. Project and Location The Roman city of Carsulae, founded in the third century BCE along the Via Flaminia in modern Umbria, was extensively excavated by the Soprintendente for Umbria, Umberto Ciotti, from the 1950s to […]
July 11-12 | Durham MEMSA Conference
‘Imitation and Innovation: Uses of the Past in the Medieval and Early Modern World’ The Eleventh MEMSA Conference, 11th – 12th July 2017, Durham University The use of the past is a theme which transcends disciplinary boundaries, and has contemporary as well as historical resonance. This is manifested in a physical sense through the moulding […]
Deadline Feb 23. | Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Program
The Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Program (DDRA) funds individual dissertation level doctoral students to conduct research in modern foreign languages and area studies for periods of 6 to 12 months. This program is sponsored by the U. S. Department of Education (ED) and is not related to the IIE Fulbright program, which is run […]