The University Student Senate (USS) is pleased to announce their Ernesto Malave Merit, Donald and Mary Ellen Passantino, and Graduate Peer Mentoring Scholarships competition. (more…)
Author Archive | Rukshana Jalil
Mar 1 | Putting NYC to Work: Using Place-Based Assignments in Your Courses
March 1, 2017, 6:30-8:30, Room 9207 In the second installment of the TLC’s two-part workshop series on place-based learning, we’ll explore strategies for creating and integrating creative assignments that take advantage of New York’s cultural resources, including its many archives, museums, libraries, performing arts institutions, green spaces, etc. (more…)
Office of Career Planning Workshops
Cultivating a Public Voice for Your Research 02/28/2017 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm in room 9206 Digital media technologies have become increasingly important in academic life, offering both new opportunities and new challenges. Digital technologies provide academics an array of platforms on which to share their work, broaden its reach, gain recognition and involve a […]
Due Feb 27 | Collaborative Research Seminar on Archives and Special Collections
Call for Participants: Collaborative Research Seminar on Archives and Special Collections by The Graduate Center, CUNY Library and The New York Public Library. A pilot program for cross-institutional collaboration in special collections and archival research methods. (more…)
Feb 23 | “Bastards and their Families in Medieval Europe”
Thursday, February 23 at 4:30 PM ARC, Room 5318 Sara McDougall Professor of History, John Jay College; French and History, CUNY Graduate Center This talk will address illegitimate children and their families in Medieval Europe, with a focus on the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. In principle, birth to anything other than legitimate marriage rendered a […]
Graduate Writing Consultations Available
Graduate writing consultants at the Office of Career Planning and Professional Development are available to meet with students to review students’ written materials and to discuss writing-related issues. Students can bring writing from a variety of genres, including course assignments, conference and dissertation materials, and more. Consultants address questions on both the micro (e.g. sentence […]
Feb 22 | Teaching as an International Student
Teaching as an International Student Wednesday 2/22, 1-3pm, room 9206 As international graduate students, we often don’t know what to expect when we first step into the classroom as teaching fellows or adjuncts. We might have questions about our students’ lives, their cultural and academic backgrounds, and about the American university system in general and CUNY more […]
Deadline extended April 7 | CFP – Shift: Graduate Journal of Visual and Material Culture (Issue 10)
Shift, Issue 10, Call for Papers Submission deadline: March 22, 2017 Shift: Graduate Journal of Visual and Material Culture welcomes academic papers, exhibition and book reviews, translations of important texts into English, as well as other texts—of traditional or experimental format— addressing issues relevant to our visual and material world from current graduate students. […]
Due Feb 28 | Applications for Conference Presentation Support funds
The 2016-2017 Conference Presentation Support fund will provide funds to Graduate Center students in Ph.D. programs for travel to professional meetings and conferences to present invited papers and posters or to participate in scheduled sessions. The 2016-2017 Conference Presentation Support fund will provide more than 400 awards (approx. 210 per semester), to a maximum of […]
Seeking housing
5th year sociology student looking for a room in Astoria/Sunnyside/Woodside/Jackson Heights. Can pay up to $800/month. Very clean and organized. Looking for a place close to trains and with a moving date of April 1st. If you know of anything please email, Omar Montana at [email protected] ——————————————————————————– I am a 6th year student in the Biochemistry […]