WORKSHOP Time Management & Goal Setting Strategies for Graduate Students Wednesday, October 4, 2017 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm Room #C201 Katie Eiges, PhD This FREE Workshop will provide you with an overview of principles for effective time management & goal setting based on the most up to date research. It will teach you how […]
Graduate Writing Consultations
Our graduate writing consultants are available to meet with Graduate Center students to review students’ written materials and to discuss writing-related issues. Students can bring writing from a variety of genres, including course assignments, conference and dissertation materials, and more. Consultants address questions on both the micro (e.g. sentence structure, grammar, clarity) and macro (e.g. […]
Kalamazoo 2018 – CFP A Science of the Human
Dear colleagues, Please find below a CFP of interest for the upcoming 53rd International Congress on Medieval Studies at Kalamazoo (May 10-13, 2018), sponsored by the association Italians and Italianists at Kalamazoo. The panel is titled A Science of the Human: Medical Discourse as a Way of Knowing. We are looking at interdisciplinary papers that challenge the boundaries between the fields of […]
Deadline Nov 3 | CPF – Vagantes Conference on Medieval Studies
The 17th Vagantes Conference on Medieval Studies is currently seeking paper abstracts on any topic related to the Middle Ages. The conference will take place from March 22nd-24th, 2018 at the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities. Vagantes is North America’s largest graduate-student conference for medieval studies. Since its founding in 2002, Vagantes has nurtured […]
Sep 15 | Pearl Kibre Medieval Study New Student Welcome/Medieval Movie Night
Sep 28 | Ergonomics in Academia Event
Ergonomic Considerations in Academia with Jon Cinkay, PT Thursday, September 28, 2017 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm Room 9204 Join us for this helpful workshop! You will learn how the body is affected by our everyday habits and work environments, injuries that can result, and simple adjustments you can make to prevent them! Pre-register by […]
Thinking with Data (Five Free Workshops)
Using R to manage, analyze and visualize your data Five free workshops at The Graduate Center, CUNY – Fall 2017 Time: 4:30 – 6:30 pm (selected Mondays) Location: Science center – room 4102, 365 Fifth Avenue, New York City Instructor: Dr. Lev Manovich Please register for each workshop separately here.
Free Hearing Test Services Available To GC Students, Faculty, Staff, Family Members and Alumni
Are you or a family member have difficulty hearing? Do you have a child with hearing difficulty or middle ear problems? Do you have a child who may have difficulty processing speech? Do you have a relative who is complaining that you do not seem to understand them? Do you or a family member listen […]
Deadline Sep 30 | CfP NEMLA – Landscapes of Emotions in Italian Literature
Please consider submitting an abstract for our panel by SEPTEMBER 30, 2017. Stefania Porcelli, Luisanna Sardu Landscapes of Emotions in Italian Literature In light of expanding literary theories contributing to a better understanding of emotions and affects in literary texts, this panel will provide participants with an opportunity to discuss various new and important perspectives […]
Deadline Sep 15 | CfP for MEMSA Seminars next term
The Durham University Medieval and Early Modern Student Association, MEMSA, is calling for speakers for the first term of its seminar series. These are seminars that run fortnightly in the World Heritage Centre. MEMSA is an interdisciplinary association with postgraduate students in the faculties of English, History, Archaeology, MFL and more attending, and as such […]