Open positions on the Board of Directors include Member-At-Large: Paper Prize and Member-at-Large. All roles are two-year terms. For more information on open positions, see the Vagantes website here.
- The Member-at-Large: Paper Prizefacilitates the Vagantes Paper Prize––eliciting papers, establishing the criteria for ranking papers, and coordinating the selection of winners.
- The third open Member-at-Largeposition is open-ended––the person who fills this position would have two years to formulate a project for Vagantes and work closely with both the Board and the Current Host Institution Representatives.
- Note: Those who apply to host the 2024 Vagantes Conference will also have a chance to become Future Host Representatives (and then Current Host Representatives) on the Board. Information regarding applying to host Vagantes can be found here. The deadline to apply is 31 August 2022.
Self-nominations for Board of Directors positions should include the following and should be sent to [email protected] no later than 25 April at 5pm:
- Name
- Institution affiliation
- Field of study
- Status (PhD ABD, PhD, MA, etc.) with expected year of graduation indicated
- A statement of interest no longer than 250 words (this statement may be circulated on a ballot)
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to [email protected], to me, or to Board Members.