Wellness Center Workshop, Tuesday, February 28th, 2017, 12:30pm – 2:00pm Room #9204 Writers often avoid actual writing. They may labor with the mechanics and practicalities of writing or they may struggle against hidden dread of what their written product will look like once it hits the printed page. Some writers may doubt whether they possess the […]
Feb 16 | Teaching in These Times
February 16, 2017, 12-2pm Room 3317 at the Graduate Center The Teaching and Learning Center and Futures Initiative invite all members of the Graduate Center community to bring lunch and reflect on their experiences teaching during the first two weeks of the new presidential administration, and to discuss teaching strategies for the weeks ahead. This informal gathering will […]
Extended deadline Feb 20 | 2017-2018 Graduate Student Public Humanities Fellowship
The Center for the Humanities at The Graduate Center, CUNY and Humanities New York announce the call for applicants for the 2017-2018 Graduate Student Public Humanities Fellowship. The Graduate Student Public Humanities Fellowship was developed by Humanities New York in partnership with seven New York research universities to bring humanities scholarship into the public realm, […]
Due Feb 13 | The Open Teaching Initiative, Spring 2017
Observing how other instructors develop and implement lessons, manage discussions, utilize classroom space and technology, and mix instructional methods can be inspiring, can help one evolve as a teacher, and, for those just starting out in the classroom, can demystify college teaching. In Spring 2017, the Graduate Center’s Teaching and Learning Center will be launching […]
Feb 16 | Student NIH Grant Writing Workshop
This workshop will provide helpful tips on the application process and preparing a proposal to the NIH- NRSA Individual Fellowship Program (F-31, all types). This workshop is open to Graduate Center students of all disciplines funded by NIH. February 16, 2017 Workshop Webcast info to follow GC Science Center Room 4102 1:00-3:00pm Seating is limited […]
April 6 | CFP – Fourth Annual Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Theory Workshop: Methods?
“Methods?: A Workshop on Methodology, Field Research, and Theory” Fourth Annual Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Theory Workshop: Methods? April 6, 2017, The Graduate Center Room 5414, All Day Hosted by SPTSA: Social and Political Theory Graduate Student Association About the Workshop/Mini Conference The Fourth Annual Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Workshop/Mini Conference on Theory, sponsored by the Social […]
Due Feb 15 | Grad A Fellowship Opportunity
The Interactive Technology & Pedagogy doctoral certificate program is seeking a doctoral student to receive a one-year renewable Grad “A” fellowship (or its equivalent). Supported by the fellowship, the student will serve as the Managing Editor of the ITP program’s open, online, peer-reviewed Journal of Interactive Technology & Pedagogy (https://jitp.commons.gc.cuny.edu). The Managing Editor oversees the […]
Old Master Drawings 1465 to 1670
Les Enluminures is pleased to announce OLD MASTER DRAWINGS 1465 to 1670 is on extended view through Saturday, February 25 at its New York gallery. Click here for the full information.
February 10 | Works-in-Progress Series: A Presentation by Karl Steel
Please join us on February 10, 11:30 am—1:00 pm in room 5105 for a presentation by Professor Karl Steel on his current work: (more…)
Deadline Feb 15 | Grad A Fellowship Opportunity
The Interactive Technology & Pedagogy doctoral certificate program is seeking a doctoral student to receive a one-year renewable Grad “A” fellowship (or its equivalent). Supported by the fellowship, the student will serve as the Managing Editor of the ITP program’s open, online, peer-reviewed Journal of Interactive Technology & Pedagogy (https://jitp.commons.gc.cuny.edu). The Managing Editor oversees the […]