Archive | Seminars/Programs

Italy Conservation Summer Field School

Dear Colleague, We are now accepting applications for our summer 2019 field school, the San Gemini Preservation Studies Program []. [].  The deadline for applications is March 15, 2019. Now in its 21st year, with alumni from over 170 colleges and universities worldwide, SGPS is dedicated to the preservation of cultural heritage. We offer students the […]

Jan 22 | Teach@CUNY Mid-Winter Institute

The Teaching and Learning Center invites Graduate Center students who are currently teaching as Graduate Teaching Fellows or adjuncts to the Teach@CUNY Mid-Winter Institute, which is scheduled for January 22, from 1-5pm in Room 3317. This event will be structured as an “unconference,” driven by the needs and interests of those who attend. It will […]

Graduate course: Theorizing Medieval Sound: Medieval Sonic Worlds

In this interdisciplinary seminar, we bring four major theoretical works — Carolyn Dinshaw’s How Soon Is Now?: Medieval Texts, Amateur Readers, and the Queerness of Time, Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology of Perception, Kathleen Stewart’s Ordinary Affects, and Salomé Voegelin’s Sonic Possible Worlds: Hearing the Continuum of Sound — into active dialogue with the texts, musics, and objects of […]

Italy Conservation Summer Field School

We are now accepting applications for our summer 2019 field school, the San Gemini Preservation Studies Program []. [] Now in its 21st year, with alumni from over 170 colleges and universities worldwide, SGPS is dedicated to the preservation of cultural heritage. We offer students the opportunity to study and travel in Italy where they […]

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