The Second Language Acquisition Lab at CUNY Graduate Center is looking for Spanish speakers to participate in two research studies on language processing. Please see below for brief descriptions of each study.
You may qualify to participate in both studies if you meet Group 1 or Group 2 criteria:
Group 1:
- are 18–50 years old
- were born and raised in a Spanish-speaking Latin American country
- came to the U.S. after age 18
Group 2:
- are 18–50 years old
- raised by caregivers from a Spanish-speaking Latin American country
- born in the U.S. or arrived before age 8
**Study 1**
In Study 1, participants will listen to Spanish sentences in an eye-tracking study. In a follow-up testing session, participants will provide acceptability judgments about Spanish sentences and complete an oral fluency task and a short battery of working memory tasks in Spanish and English. Participants who complete Study 1 will be paid $45 – expected time commitment is 3 hours over 2 testing sessions.
**Study 2**
In Study 2, participants will listen to Spanish and English sentences in an eye-tracking study. In a follow-up testing session, participants will provide acceptability judgments about Spanish sentences and complete an oral fluency task and a short battery of working memory tasks in Spanish and English. Participants who complete Study 2 will be paid $60 – expected time commitment is 4 hours over 2 testing sessions.
All testing for Study 1 and Study 2 will take place at CUNY Graduate Center, located at 365 Fifth Ave., NY, NY 10016. These studies have been approved by the CUNY University Integrated-Institutional Review Board (CUNY UI-IRB).
For more information, please contact Gita Martohardjono (Principal Investigator) at [email protected] or call 212-817-8525. Please feel free to share this information with anyone who may be interested in participating.
Professor Gita Martohardjono
Executive Officer, Linguistics Ph.D. / M.A. Program
Director, Second Language Acquisition Lab
Co-Director, Research Institute for the Study of Language in Urban Society
GC- CUNY The Graduate Center