June 15 | Writing a Strong Resume with Richard Montauk

Thursday,  06/15/2017
4:00 p.m., Graduate Center, Room C415A

Richard Montauk, author of How to Get Into the Top MBA Programs and noted career consultant, will lead a resume writing session designed to help graduate students and alumni be strategic in their pursuit of employment in the non-profit or for-profit world. Writing a strong resume is not merely a matter of converting a CV into a resume. Nor is it simply a matter of choosing amongst chronological, functional, or combination format–or deciding between one and multi-page formats. The advent of applicant tracking systems (ATS, in the jargon) requires a completely different approach to resume-writing for many jobs. We’ll explore each of these formats–when to use which, and how to get the most out of whichever one you choose. Please register here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe2GF4vnpe7-brtWxQyrj3PJwuUeguHAfw2x8uTu_op4Ex8kQ/viewform

Richard will also offer follow up 15-minute career advising sessions on Friday, June 16th, between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. To sign up for an advising session, please email [email protected].

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