Due Sep 6 | Applications for 2018-2019 IIE Fulbright Grants for Graduate Research Abroad

2018-2019 IIE Fulbright Grants for Graduate Research Abroad

Campus Deadline:     Wednesday, September 6, 2017, 5pm

The 2018-19 Institute for International Education (IIE) Fulbright Grant competition is now open, application materials and guidelines are available on-line at http://www.us.fulbrightonline.org.

The IIE Fulbright website provides full guidelines, instructions, and country-specific information.  Doctoral students applying for these grants are expected to have fully developed research proposals for research abroad.  Eligibility requirements include U.S. citizenship and proficiency in the host country language. The Graduate Center deadline for students to submit IIE Fulbright applications (including transcripts and reference letters) is 5:00 pm, Wednesday, September 6, 2017.  This date enables the Graduate Center to transmit evaluated applications to IIE by the early October deadline.  No applications will be accepted after September 6.  Students who have submitted a complete application by September 6 will be asked to attend an interview with a GC Campus Evaluation Committee in late September.

In preparing your application you are encouraged to work with your faculty adviser.  The Graduate Center’s Fulbright Program Adviser, Rachel Sponzo, can be reached at [email protected].  Please note that the Fulbright application is entirely online and all references and language evaluations must be submitted electronically by the campus deadline.  Transcripts and letters of affiliation must be scanned and uploaded electronically.

Guidance and information webinars are organized by IIE thought-out the spring and summer.  The schedule and additional information can be found on the IIE website under Fulbright Events.

If you are thinking of applying, please contact Rachel Sponzo at [email protected] or 212-817-7282 for additional information.

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