In light of recent public invocations of the Medieval Academy of America in regard to white supremacy and medieval studies, we are circulating our amended Values Statement: Membership in the Mediev… Source: Medieval Academy of America Amended Values Statement | The Medieval Academy Blog
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Weekly Reading Group in PKMS
Please join the Old English Reading Group every other Tuesday after 4:00 pm, starting September 26, in the Pearl Kibre Medieval Study. Pearl Kibre Medieval Study CUNY Graduate Center Student Organization
Legal advising available for DACA students
In response to the Trump Administration’s decision to no longer accept new applications for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), attorneys at CUNY’s Citizenship Now will be scheduling appointments beginning next week to help with DACA renewals. Students may contact Citizenship Now at
Medievalists Respond to Charlottesville | The Medieval Academy Blog
Posted on August 18, 2017 by Chris In light of the recent events in the United States, most recently the racist violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, the undersigned community of medievalists condemns the appropriation of any item or idea or material in the service of white supremacy. In addition, we condemn the abuse of colleagues, particularly […]
The Graduate Center’s Student Counseling Service at the Wellness Center
The Graduate Center’s Student Counseling Service at the Wellness Center reaffirms our commitment to students of all faiths, racial groups, nationalities, immigration statuses, genders, sexual orientations and political parties. For details on services provided, click here. For those who need a safe space to talk, The Graduate Center’s Student Counseling Service at the Wellness Center […]