The thirteenth annual Háskóli Íslands Conference on the Medieval North is currently accepting abstract submissions.
The conference is an interdisciplinary forum for postgraduate students (masters and doctoral level) and early career researchers working in the broad field of medieval northern studies, held every April in Reykjavík, Iceland. Students who have not given papers at an academic conference before are especially encouraged to submit.
We are proud to continue presenting a hybrid conference. We aim to facilitate international cooperation between researchers who have an interest in medieval northern Europe. We offer an excellent opportunity for student researchers to share their research and create connections with colleagues, both online and in-person in Reykjavík. The conference will be held April 11th-13th, 2024.
We accept abstract submissions on a wide range of topics, including but not limited to art history, archaeology, digital humanities, gender, manuscripts, philology, and reception of the medieval period.
We especially invite proposals on the topic of Calamity and Fate. From blood feuds to Ragnarǫk, Lindisfarne to the Great Copenhagen Fire, the study of the medieval north is rife with violent change and monumental disasters. We encourage scholars to explore this broad theme. Papers on other topics will also be accepted.
Thanks to the generosity of Miðaldastofa Háskóla Íslands, presenters will have the opportunity to submit their papers for a conference proceedings volume, to be published as an e-book.
Interested scholars should email an abstract of 250-300 words, along with a brief biography containing name, pronouns, institution, and program of study, to [email protected] by December 4th, 2023. Please state whether you intend to attend the conference online or pin person. The Committee reserves the right to make selections based on quality of written abstracts, adherence to submission guidelines (see conference blog), and timely submission.
The languages of the conference are Icelandic and English. Individual paper presentations will be 20 minutes in length, followed by 10 minutes for discussion. There is also a Poster Session for students to present their material in poster form. Students may apply for either a paper or a poster; the conference committee may offer a poster presentation to some paper applicants. Further information can be found on the conference blog at Please direct any further inquiries to the Conference Committee via email.
Please see the Call for Papers poster here Haskoli CFP. We kindly ask that researchers who have presented two or more times at the conference pass this information on to their more junior colleagues.
We invite you also to follow our social media pages for updates on the conference:
Twitter: histudentcon
Instagram: hi_medieval_north
Facebook: The Háskóli Íslands Student Conference on the Medieval North
Thank you so much for your time.
Chris Latham
Email Administrator
Conference Committee
Háskóli Íslands / University of Iceland