The American Society For Irish Medieval Studies
An Cumann Meiriceanach Um Léann Na Meánaoise Éireannaí
Undergraduate Prizes for Diversity in Irish Medieval Studies
The American Society of Irish Medieval Studies announces its inaugural Undergraduate Prizes
for Diversity in Irish Medieval Studies.
The competition is open to undergraduate students who self-identify as a member of a
marginalized community who completed a course paper or project on an area related to Irish
Medieval Studies, or undergraduate students who completed a course paper on a topic related
to Diversity in Medieval Ireland.
Two prizes of $300 each will be awarded to assist a student to present their work at a
conference, either in person or virtually, or to support their continued study in Irish Medieval
Studies (e.g. towards a study abroad experience, or the cost of graduate program applications).
The cash prize will be paid to the student in advance of the conference/approved use. Their
research will be published on the ASIMS website,, where it will be displayed as
undergraduate research supported by the ASIMS Diversity Prize, as well as being promoted on
social media.
One prize will be granted to a student at the community college or four-year college freshman
level for work completed in AY 2022-2023. One prize will be granted to a student at
the sophomore level or above at a four-year college for work completed in AY 2022-2023.
Students may self-nominate or be nominated by faculty.
Submissions can take the form of any kind of undergraduate research, including essays, papers,
posters, presentations, creative, or digital humanities.
- Must self-identify as a person from an under-represented group in academia OR submits work that examines an under-represented group in medieval Ireland.
- The applicant must be the sole or primary researcher for the submitted piece of work.
- Must be a currently enrolled undergraduate at the time the work was completed.
- Work must be submitted from AY 2022-2023.
- Winning submissions must be withdrawn from other competitions with a publication prize – ASIMS reserves the right as sole publisher of the awarded work.
Submissions should be PDFs sent as an email attachment, or a link to a stable URL contained within an email. The student or professor nominating should complete the submission form and attach it to the email as PDF or Word document. No other formats can be guaranteed acceptance. All submissions should be sent before midnight, April 20, 2023 to:
Dr. Melanie Maddox
Associate Professor of History, The Citadel
Email: [email protected]
The entries will be judged by a panel consisting of professors who teach in the field of the
submissions. In future years at least one judge will be drawn from the prior year’s winners.
The winners will be announced in May 2023 and the decision will be communicated to the
winners and their professors as well as posted to ASIMS social media and website.
American Society of Irish Medieval Studies
Undergraduate Prizes for Diversity in Irish Medieval Studies
Submission Form
Name of student ________________________________________________________________
Student email address at which they can be contacted through June 2022 __________________
Student level at time of work (freshman, senior, etc) ___________________________________
Institution name ________________________________________________________________
Institution type (identify one) □ Four Year College □ Community College
Name of professor ______________________________________________________________
Professor contact information _____________________________________________________
Academic year in which work was completed _________________________________________
Title of submitted work __________________________________________________________
Format of submitted work (paper, poster, website, etc) ________________________________
Disciplinary area of submitted work (English, History, etc) _______________________________
I wish to be considered for the ASIMS Diversity Prize for (identify one)
□ Work submitted by a self-identifying member of a minority group, completing work on
medieval Ireland
□ Work submitted relating to diversity in medieval Ireland
I agree to the terms of the ASIMS Diversity Prize and confirm my eligibility for consideration of
this award □ Yes □ No