The Medieval Studies Program at Cornell University is pleased to announce its twenty-ninth annual
graduate student colloquium, which will take place on the 16 th of February 2019 at the A.D. White
House on Cornell’s Ithaca, NY campus.
This conference focuses on form and reform . From the austere form of life endorsed by the Desert
Fathers to the intricate mathematical and architectural forms in cathedrals, from the educational
reforms of Alfred the Great to the re-formation of the classical tradition, forms and their constant
renegotiation shaped the religious, political, and intellectual life of the Middle Ages. We invite 20
minute papers that investigate form and/or reform in the Middle Ages from all disciplines and
Possible topics include:
– Beauty and Aesthetics
– Cosmology and World Formation
– Architectural Design
– Shapes and Numbers
– Monastic Reform
– Social Reform and Class Structure
– Upsetting Form(s)
– Forms of Life, Diet, Constitution
– (Re)forming the Body and Mind
– Genre and Literary Boundaries
Please send abstracts by 30 November 2018 to Sophia D’Ignazio ( [email protected] )