The Rare Book School at the University of Virginia is offering several courses this summer that may be of interest to medieval studies students.
Expand your understanding of medieval studies, book history, and cultural heritage during a Rare Book School course this summer! These five-day, intensive courses on the history of manuscript, print, and digital materials are taught by world-class instructors and will provide hands-on experience.
Currently accepting applications for the following classes relating to medieval studies:
– The Medieval Manuscript in the Twenty-First Century[], taught by Will Noel & Dot Porter of the University of Pennsylvania. Offered 10–15 June in Philadelphia, PA.
– The Book in the Manuscript Era[], taught by Raymond Clemens of Yale University. Offered 10–15 June in New Haven, CT.
– Advanced Seminar in Medieval Manuscript Studies[], taught by Barbara A. Shailor of Yale University. Offered 10–15 June in New Haven, CT.
Visit[] for course details, instructions for applying, and evaluations by past students. Enrollment statuses for the courses can change quickly, so please apply soon.
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