Mar 14 | Performance as Research & the 14th century York Mystery Cycle

4pm, room 4406 (English program lounge)

Join Andrew Albin (Fordham), Ellen Ketels (Claremont McKenna), and Lauren Mancia (Brooklyn College/GC) to discuss how they are preparing their students to participate in a massive recreation of the medieval York Mystery Plays that is happening in June 2025 in Toronto ( Albin, Ketels, and Mancia will talk about the scholarly aspects of the project (why doing performance is useful for the scholarship of medieval drama), the pedagogical aspects (how does one teach a course gearing up for this?), and the logistical (how does one fund such a large effort at CUNY? how does one work interdisciplinarily to prepare? Etc.). Albin, Ketels, and Mancia will be joined by some of the New York students who are preparing to go to Toronto as well. This event should be of interest to medievalists and early modernists, and to those working on the history of drama and performance.

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