Job Posting – Graduate Associate in Workforce Development in Health and Human Services


The CUNY Office of Health and Human Services and CUNY CARES, a project of the CUNY Chancellor’s Office of Transformation and the CUNY School of Public Health, seek a CUNY doctoral student to assist in developing credentials and pathways for CUNY students to prepare for careers in meeting the health and social needs of young adults in New York City.


The CUNY Office of Health and Human Services supports and provides oversight for 350 credit-bearing certificates and degree programs in health and human services across 22 campuses, representing close to 50,000 enrolled students. This includes undergraduate and graduate degree programs in approximately 60 health and human service disciplines and 35 credit-bearing certificate programs.

CUNY CARES (Comprehensive Access to Resources and Essential Services) Bronx Demonstration Project is a three-year pilot project that connects students enrolled at CUNY’s three Bronx campuses — Bronx Community College, Hostos Community College, and Lehman College to services and benefits programs that can support and assist them to meet essential needs for health care, mental health, food security, and housing stability in order to promote their academic and life success.

The long-term goal of CUNY CARES is to create a model for CUNY’s student health and social services that can be scaled to all 25 CUNY campuses and enable CUNY to increase its retention and graduation rates and improve the well-being of CUNY students, their families, and their communities. A key component of this initiative is to integrate industry-recognized credentials, clinical and field experiences for enrolled students, and pathways to employment for those serving in peer-based roles.

Job Qualifications

Qualified candidates should be matriculated doctoral students in CUNY public health, social welfare, urban education, psychology, or related fields; have at least three years’ experience working in the health care or social services fields in New York City; be knowledgeable about the CUNY system; and have at least one year of experience in workforce development or job training.

Job Responsibilities

  1. Conduct a scan of existing CUNY health and human service workforce development programs that focus on preparing health and social service professionals to work at the health care/community/social service interface to meet the needs of young adults. Identify the strengths and weaknesses, partnerships with employers, and track record in finding employment for students of these programs
  2. Using existing training programs, course syllabi, and materials developed by CUNY CARES and the CUNY Office of Health and Human Services, identify a few options for establishing new credentials for health and human service professionals at the community college, baccalaureate, and graduate levels for employment. With the CUNY CARES Director, employer partners and target program faculty at the Bronx campuses, create up to two credentials from the existing trainings for CUNY CARES health advocates and navigators by December 31, 2023, with implementation and award of these credentials during the spring 2024 semester.
  3. Identify core competencies of the existing trainings that link to learning objectives of selected courses in academic programs at the Bronx campuses that may equate to credit in program required or elective courses.
  4. New credentials will be designed to meet employment qualifications in occupations that require meeting the diverse health and social needs of young adults, as informed by employer partners.
  5. Work on developing at least one new certificate program and/or training program for pathways to careers in meeting the essential needs of young adults by June 30, 2024. This may be an undergraduate 30-credit certificate program, or a Community Health Worker training program geared to the needs of young adults. If an undergraduate program, this would need to proceed for NYSED for approval upon completion of program design and identification of a sponsoring campus. If a non-credit program, an implementation plan with at least one Bronx campus will be developed upon completion of program design.
  6. Other responsibilities that may emerge as CUNY CARES is implemented and evaluated



This part-time position (~15 hours per week) from September 2023 to June 2024 will pay $30 an hour. It is a CUNY tax levy position with the associated benefits. The position requires some in-person work during daytime hours but can also include some remote hours.

Interested candidates should send letter of interest and a cv or resume by September 12 to Patricia Boyce, CUNY Dean of Health, and Human Services , [email protected]

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