Submit by April 17 | DGSC Student Activity Fee (SAF) Surplus Funding Request for Proposals (RFP)

DGSC Student Activity Fee (SAF) Surplus Funding Request for Proposals (RFP)

Submission Deadline: Monday, April 17, 2023, by noon via Google Form

Inquiries: Christopher Campbell, DGSC Co-Chair for Communications
[email protected]

The Doctoral and Graduate Students’ Council (DGSC) is accepting proposals from Graduate Center students from recognized Departments, Programs, and Student- Focused Organizations for fiscal year 2024 (June 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024) to enhance campus-wide social, recreational, and community-building activities.

During the Fall 2022 semester, the DGSC was made aware of a Student Activity Fee surplus of over $300,000 in our budget. Graduate Center administrators have asked us
to provide a plan to the university detailing how these funds will be spent over the next few coming years. Roughly $100,000 of the surplus has been set aside for this round of proposals. The remaining ~$200,000 will be offered via this same process over the next two academic years.

Criteria for receiving funds:
• Proposal enhances campus traditions and community OR has the potential to develop new traditions or bring new programs or events to the community.
• Proposal unites the campus OR has campus-wide appeal.
• Proposal MUST be inclusive to all students.
• Proposal is in line with one or more of the following: 1) leads a comprehensive approach to student and community well-being, 2) cultivates an inclusive
community where all students feel a sense of belonging and are valued contributing members.
• Consideration will be given to proposals that involve collaboration of two or more departments, programs, or student-focused organizations.

The following criteria may enhance a RFP’s chances of receiving funding:
• The clarity and quality of written presentation;
• The demonstrated success and effectiveness of an organization in planning and
executing past programs and events;
• The number of students served;
• The breadth of a program’s appeal to the student body;
• The proposal’s ability to demonstrate the program’s or event’s direct impact on
• The capacity of the idea to bring attention to the unique work students at the Graduate Center are doing in their fields.

SAF Surplus Funding RFP Guidelines:
1. Surplus funding is awarded for the upcoming fiscal year (FY24). Funding not spent in FY24 does not carry over and will be returned to the SAF account.
2. If supporting a program or an event, publicity must include the statement “funded by Student Activity Fee”. If the program or event is funded by several sources, publicity should read “funded in part by the Student Activity Fee”.

Information to Include in Your Proposal (to be submitted via this Google Form):
1) Name of Department, Program, or Student-Focused Organization
2) Proposed Program Title
3) Amount Requested (Proposals may request up to $15,000)
4) Contact Person (ideally someone who will be at the GC next year)
5) Contact Person Email
6) Narrative Description of the Project (No more than 3 page single-spaced, oneinch margins, 12-point font). Consider answering the following questions:
– What is the nature of the proposed program or activity? How will students and/or the campus as a whole benefit by the funding of this proposal? How
did you determine the need for this program/activity?
– How will the program/activity be marketed to students? Who is the target audience? Please be as specific as possible.
– Identify the expenses that apply to your request and align expense to your proposed budget: Food, Conferences, Equipment, Speakers, Program Materials, Other Costs.
– Provide any other information you think would be of help to the committee.

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