The Journal of
The American Society of Irish Medieval Studies
An Cumann Meiriceánach um Léann na Meánaoise Éireannaí
Eolas: The Journal of the American Society of Irish Medieval Studies is an interdisciplinary journal dedicated to the study of Ireland in the Middle Ages, including Irish intersections with other medieval cultures and societies. We look forward to receiving submissions on a range of subjects dealing with all aspects of medieval Ireland, including but not limited to: archaeology, philology, theology, literature, history, and art history. The journal includes a Book Reviews section and is available to members on JSTOR.
Deadline for consideration in Eolas 16: 14 October 2022.
Further information can be found at: https://asims.org/eolas/
- Articles should be based on original research, and be between 7,000 and 10,000 words in length.
- Please include a brief and essential ABSTRACT (a summary of 50–150 words not taken from the essay itself) for the first page of the essay.
- Submissions will be peer-reviewed and assessed by the editorial committee and an outside double-blind reviewer, and returned within three months.
- All accepted articles will be copy-edited by the Editor before publication, but any article requiring substantial revision will be sent back for editing.
- Please use Chicago style, with footnotes; details are on the website: asims.org
- Illustrations must be completed to publication standard and submitted electronically at not less than 600dpi resolution; line drawings must not be less than 1200 dpi. Contributors are responsible for securing all rights and permissions for images upon acceptance.
Please submit articles electronically as Word files to the General Editor, Vicky McAlister: [email protected]
All queries regarding book reviews should be sent to Melanie C. Maddox: [email protected]
Have a project early in development? Consider submitting it to Eolas 17 (2024) by October 2023!