May 19 | Possible Worlds: A Talk by Alexander Nagel

On Thursday May 19, at 7:00 pm MDT, Contemporary Calgary and the University of Calgary Nickle Galleries are co-presenting Possible Worlds: A Talk by Alexander Nagel. In addition to the in-person lecture at Contemporary Calgary (formerly the Centennial Planetarium), we will livestream the lecture via Zoom and would be honoured to have you as our online guests.

The presentation offers participation both through in-person and virtual attendance; and a recording will be made available and circulated at a later date.

  • Link to RSVP on Zoom HERE.
  • Link to RSVP in-person HERE.

If you have questions about the event or livestream please do not hesitate to contact me on my mobile (403) 861-7985 or by email ([email protected]).


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