Due May 10 | Call for IRADAC Fellows applications

IRADAC Fellows Program

Fall 2019/Spring 2020


The IRADAC Fellowship provides institutional and intellectual support for Ph.D. candidates at the writing stage. Organized around an interdisciplinary seminar, the IRADAC Dissertation Fellowship offers sustained support among scholars writing on any area of the African Diaspora.  During the academic year, fellows will have the opportunity to take advantage of mentoring, professional development, and editorial feedback on their writing while participating in a weekly seminar designed to keep the participants on a regular writing schedule.

Stipend & Conditions:

Fellows will receive a $5,000 stipend.  All participants are expected to attend the weekly seminar in person.


The IRADAC Dissertation Fellowship is open to all students working on the African Diaspora broadly defined.  Applicants must be within the last year of completing their dissertation.

Application Procedure

Faculty reference letter (from the Program EO or dissertation advisor) describing the research and the student’s progress should be submitted at www.gc.cuny.edu/iradacapp.

Applicants must submit a one-page abstract of their dissertation project along with a timeline for completion.  Applicants should also submit an approved dissertation proposal including a detailed chapter outline.  A writing sample (e.g., chapter from the dissertation) and a CV are also required.  Applicants should submit their materials to the following link: www.gc.cuny.edu/iradacapp.


All materials are due 4pm, Friday, May 10, 2019.

For additional information please contact:

Zee Dempster, Assistant Director

IRADAC – Institute for Research on the African Diaspora

in the Americas and the Caribbean

The Graduate Center, Room 7114

[email protected]

Printable information here 2019_2020 Call for IRADAC Fellows

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