Thursday, March 21, 2019
11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Room: 9207
Led by:
Jenifer Talley, PhD and Allie Funk, MA
The clinical staff at The Student Counseling Service are well aware of the ongoing and persistent stressors impacting our student population. In response to these cumulative stressors, we are offering this workshop.
Our current sociopolitical culture may be causing us to feel overwhelming emotions that leave us at a loss for how to care for ourselves. Often, with increased stressors and witnessing traumatic material in our daily lives and through the media, we may feel waves of intense emotions that are difficult to manage. This may be especially the case for those of us who have experienced trauma. This workshop will focus on practical techniques and strategies to enhance self-compassion and self-care during this difficult time. Participants will learn about the impact of trauma on our sense of safety and wellbeing and learn more effective ways to manage intense emotions and foster self-care.
Jenifer Talley is a psychologist and the Assistant Director of the Center for Optimal Living in New York City. Allie Funk is a clinical fellow at the Wellness Center.
Please note that no food or beverage will be allowed during this workshop.
To register, stop by the Wellness Center Student Counseling Services in Room 6422 to fill out a workshop application. The application has also been attached for your convenience; email and fax is acceptable. For more information please call (212) 817-8731. You must have your student ID with current validation sticker available to present.