Spring 2019 workshops in Interactive Technology and Pedagogy

Spring 2019 ITP Skills Labs

GC Library basement, room C196.01 ~ 6:30-8:30pm

Wiki Markup Language: Art+Feminism Edit-a-thon Training | February 4 | Michael Mandiberg

This lab builds on introductory-level experience in Wikipedia editing in order to further hone your skills using wiki markup language. Participants will be introduced to the Art+Feminism project, an edit-a-thon initiative to add Wikipedia content on underrepresented artists, and will receive hands-on training in adding and editing Wikipedia pages. Time will be allotted for students to practice using wiki markup language. A familiarity with HTML and the anatomy of a Wikipedia page is helpful to participate, but all are welcome.


Project Management | February 11 | Kimon Keramidas & Michael Mandiberg

**This lab is required of all students enrolled in ITP Core 2 in Spring 2019**

This professional development workshop will focus on how to manage the various aspects of a project, including setting realistic benchmarks and meeting them, sticking to budgets, scope creep, and failing forward. Through interactive exercises, participants will gain an understanding of things to consider while completing a project.


Wikidata | February 25 | Megan Wacha

The newest project of the Wikimedia movement, Wikidata is a collaboratively edited, free repository of linked open data that connects knowledge across all 300+ language editions of Wikipedia and its sister projects. This hands-on workshop will cover the basics of Wikidata, including how to edit existing items, model data to create new ones, and query the (still incomplete) sum of all human knowledge.

No experience of anything is required.

The How To’s of Grant Writing | March 11 | Ashley Marinaccio

This workshop is designed for students who have not had previous experience in writing grant proposals. In this workshop, we will discuss the research and project funding opportunities that are available at the CUNY Graduate Center. Attendees will learn how to talk about their research/projects on grant applications, write data based descriptions of the problem their work is trying to solve, define specific/measurable outcomes, build an evaluation plan, create a budget, and leave with a sample grant application that can be used on future applications.

Conference and Event Planning | March 18 | Kyueun Kim and Lisa Ng

Ever wanted to know how to organize a conference or an event? This professional development workshop will focus on how to manage the various aspects of conference and event planning, including project development, organizing a team, facilitation training, fundraising, and communication and outreach. We will share inside knowledge, secrets, excitement, and challenges of conference and event management drawing on our experiences of organizing a student-run conference, TEDxCUNY, New York City Asian American Student Conference (NYCASC), and more.


Strategies for Multimodal Pedagogy | March 25 | Robert Robinson

Join us for a conversation about using tools and approaches. Whether you’re an experienced or newer instructor, please come ready share and pick up ideas on employing multiple strategies in your courses. No prior experience with hybrid/online instruction needed.

Multimodal & Game-based Pedagogy | March 28 (Thurs) | Kahdeidra Martin

Participants will connect learning theories to student-centered praxis, explore several classroom examples, and take away resources to develop their own teaching materials. This skills lab is a hands-on lesson planning and supportive peer review workshop. Bring your ideas, big or small, and we’ll learn by doing…and doing…and doing again.

Digital Branding: The Whys, Hows, and Ughs | April 1 | Christina Nadler

This lab will cover how and why to create a digital identity. We will spend the first portion of the workshop discussing the potential audiences for your digital identity and how to appeal to them. In these neoliberal times, many expect you to be your own brand; we will address how to meet this need while remaining genuine to yourself. We will look at some examples of how people have successfully found this balance. The last portion of our lab will be focused on getting to work on your digital identity. I suggest even beginners should have a WordPress site set up through OpenCUNY or the Commons prior to the event—nothing fancy, just creating the account and site would be perfect to start with. Feel free to contact me at [email protected] with questions prior to the event.

WordPress-friendly Visualization Tools for Teaching and Research  | April 8 | Julie Fuller

Interested in how you can create visualizations and display them on a WordPress site for use in your teaching or research? Join us to learn about free, online tools for mapping, timelines, image display, and possibly more. Participants will have time during the session to experiment with the tools and have collaborative discussion about ideas for incorporating one or more in their own work.

Creating Interactive Text w/ Twine | April 15 | Carlos Hernandez

In this workshop, we will explore practical aspects of designing a choose-your-own-adventure style interactive text. We will use Twine, a free, online tool for creating choice-based games. No prior programming experience will be required. We will cover not only the “how” of using Twine, but also a bit of the “why,” in terms of game design in general and game-based learning in specific.



How to Register


Eventbrite registration link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/gc-itp-skills-labs-tickets-55434059765

  • Review the ITP Skills Lab Descriptions, then select the corresponding date from the Available Dates pull-down menu to register for your desired lab.
  • Space is limited and you must sign up in advance to secure a seat.
  • Lab attendance will be taken at each session.
  • We encourage you to bring your own laptop.

How to Cancel

  • Please be respectful of those on the waiting list and cancel at least 48 hours in advance of the lab.
  • To cancel, use Eventbrite OR email Julie, [email protected], with the date and title of the lab you will no longer be attending

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