Primary Sources for Latin American and Latino Studies
Thursday, February 7, 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Room 9204
Latin American and Latino archives are rich and sometimes mysterious places. CUNY and NYPL librarians and archivists assemble at the Bildner Center February 7 to highlight their collections and to share tips and strategies with researchers.
To register, email [email protected]
Monday, February 11, 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
C196.05 (in the library’s concourse level)
Join us for a hands-on introduction to managing citations with Zotero, a free and open source research tool that makes organizing your research and creating bibliographies a breeze.
Please bring a laptop with you, and make sure you can install software on it, so our instructors can help you get started on your own devices.
- Learn about the basics of Zotero
- Install Zotero on your laptop
- Create a Zotero account
- Place citations into your Zotero account
- Create a Bibliography using Word plug-in
For beginners.
Tuesday, February 19, 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
This overview of the Graduate Center Library will include:
- an introduction to the library website,
- subject specific databases,
- resources beyond the GC library,
- sample search queries,
- citation management instruction overview, and
- archival and primary source subject-specific searching.
Research for Masters’ Students
Thursday, February 21, 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
In this workshop we will discuss research at a graduate level. Topics to be covered include:
- How to search for resources,
- Choosing a topic,
- Evaluating sources,
- Paper formatting.
Attendees will come away with strategies for taking their research to the next level.