CUNY’s 17th Annual IT Conference
Thursday and Friday, November 29 and 30, 2018
Technology and Education: Challenges and Opportunities
CUNY’s 17th Annual IT Conference will explore the complicated balance between the challenges and opportunities of using technology in higher education. There is no doubt that technology connects our lives and underlies many educational offerings. This comes with a set of inherent challenges, both mundane and serious. Educators and universities must grapple with what technologies to use in our classrooms, and how to equip our students with the technological literacy they need both to succeed and make informed choices outside of school. Our movements, metrics, and digital footprints are tracked in ways that were inconceivable just decades ago, and data often seems vulnerable to security threats. Nevertheless, technology brings true opportunities in the nature of enhanced engagement, access, and interconnection, to name a few. As has been the case since its inception, the conference will be held at John Jay College, offering overviews of the University and colleges’ key IT initiatives, discussions of how technology can support and advance teaching, scholarship, and administration, and a chance to meet with vendors. As always, proposals for presentations are invited from the CUNY community, particularly on how we can address the various challenges and opportunities.
Proposals are invited for panels or presentations as well as roundtables, workshops, or other interactions. Each proposal should include a title, an abstract of no more than 200 words, and the name and affiliation of each participant. Proposals from individuals are welcome, but panel proposals from groups that can present varied perspectives on a subject are particularly welcome. The theme of “Challenges and Opportunities” includes:
1. How does technology provide challenges and opportunities for multiple stakeholders at CUNY and across the varied sectors of teaching, learning, research, and administration?
2. How do educators perceive the challenges and opportunities of technology in the classroom? And how do they balance them?
3. How can technology create new opportunities for students? What challenges does technology present that may also be viewed as opportunities for teaching and learning?
Proposals are due September 17, 2018 at 5:00 pm. Acceptances will be announced by the end of that month.
Proposals may be submitted at