The 2018 call for the Fulbright-Hays/DDRA grant was just announced in the federal register.
The Graduate Center’s internal deadline will be Friday, June 15, by 4:00 p.m. in order to allow for proper review of applications prior to the U.S. Department of Education’s transmittal deadline of July 2. No extensions to this deadline will be possible.
Students who plan to apply should contact the Rachel Sponzo in the Provost’s Office ([email protected]) as soon as possible for additional information.
Thank you.
The Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Program (DDRA) funds individual dissertation level doctoral students to conduct research in modern foreign languages and area studies for periods of 6 to 12 months. This program is sponsored by the U. S. Department of Education (ED) and is not related to the IIE Fulbright program, which is run by the State Department. The Fulbright-Hays DDRA Program is for students who intend to conduct dissertation research outside of the United States and Western Europe, and is of particular interest to students in the social sciences and humanities.
The ED published the application for the FY 2018 Fulbright-Hays competition in the federal register on May 16, and the application and additional information is available through the ED website via the following URL:
Please note that because Fulbright-Hays awards are granted to students through their educational institutions, all applications must be submitted to the Graduate Center’s Provost Office prior to being submitted electronically to the Department of Education.
Given the timing and duration of the current application period, the Graduate Center’s internal deadline will be June 15, 4:00 p.m. in order to allow for proper review and assembly of applications prior to the ED’s transmittal deadline of July 2. No extensions to this deadline will be possible.
The application components include:
- Budget
- Application Narrative: The “narrative” should address the program selection criteria, and it is strictly limited to 10-pages in length. A “page” is defined as 8.5” X 11”, single-sided, 1” margins all-around. Main text is to be double-spaced; single-spacing is allowed for charts, tables, etc. There are only three acceptable fonts: Times New Roman; Courier; Courier New; or Ariel. Main text must be 12 point or larger; 10 point is acceptable for captions, tables, footnotes, etc.
- Human Subjects exempt/non-exempt narrative.
- Three letters of reference
- Curriculum Vitae
- Bibliography (2 pages)
- Foreign Language Evaluation(s)
- Letter of Affiliation from an institution in the host country
- Transcripts
If you have any questions about or are thinking about applying please contact Rachel Sponzo at [email protected], as soon as possible. Please do not contact U. S. Department of Education personnel directly.