Deadline Sep 30 | CfP NEMLA – Landscapes of Emotions in Italian Literature

Please consider submitting an abstract for our panel by SEPTEMBER 30, 2017.

Stefania Porcelli, Luisanna Sardu

Landscapes of Emotions in Italian Literature

In light of expanding literary theories contributing to a better understanding of emotions and affects in literary texts, this panel will provide participants with an opportunity to discuss various new and important perspectives on the representation of emotions in Italian literature and art.

Proposals that analyze early modern through contemporary Italian literary production are welcome. We seek papers exploring the manner in which writers convey emotions to their readers, to the literary community of their day and, to their society at large.Possible areas of analysis include: the influence of culture and space on the production and representation of emotion; the language utilized to express emotions; the history of specific emotions, such as shame, anger, envy, etc.; cultural metamorphosis of emotions and their stigma; the opposition affect/emotion, which has been recently challenged.

Topics for presentation may include, but are not limited to:

– the spaces of emotions

-nature and emotions

– animals and emotions

– author and emotions

– reader and emotions

– arts and emotions

– gender and emotions

-rational/irrational emotions

-politics and emotions

– affect vs emotion

– act of writing and emotions

– travel literature and emotions


Send abstracts online through the NeMLA server:[]


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