TLC Workshop, 3/15: Demystifying Ed Tech (First in a Series)

The TLC will be leading three upcoming workshops on educational technology.

Too often, conversations about educational technology are rife with black and white thinking. On the one hand, some assume that the introduction of technology into pedagogy will destroy the relationship between student and teacher, resulting in distracted students with no ability to focus. On the other hand, some think that with the introduction of a digital platform their teaching will be revolutionized, transformed, or create some other unseen positive result.As the first installment of a three-part series of workshops, this event will attempt to dispel absolutist notions about educational technology and offer some practical advice for how to decide what kind of digital tools you might introduce into your classroom. We’ll discuss basic criteria to consider when evaluating and selecting tools, and share best practices for how to get started with digital pedagogy.

Join the TLC Staff on Wednesday 3/15 from 1-3 pm in Room 9206 for this workshop, which is designed primarily for teachers just beginning to utilize digital tools in their courses. It will, however, also be useful for those with more experience who are interested in exploring how to evaluate and integrate new tools into their courses.

This workshop is the first in a three-part series on educational technology, and will be followed on March 20th at 6:30 by a joint workshop between the TLC with the Interactive Technology and Pedagogy Certificate Program on Approaches to Hybrid and Online Instruction. The series will conclude on March 29th with a TLC workshop on Social Reading and Social Writing.


Next in series:

March 20, 6:30-8:30pm Approaches to Hybrid and Online Instruction (co-sponsored with the Interactive Technology and Pedagogy Certificate Program)

March 29th, 1-3pm, Social Reading and Social Writing (RSVP form forthcoming)

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