July 11-12 | Durham MEMSA Conference

‘Imitation and Innovation: Uses of the Past in the Medieval and Early Modern World’
The Eleventh MEMSA Conference, 11th – 12th July 2017, Durham University

The use of the past is a theme which transcends disciplinary boundaries, and has contemporary as well as historical resonance. This is manifested in a physical sense through the moulding of and engagement with landscapes, the manufacture and (re)use of material culture, and in a more abstract sense through the creation and manipulation of memory and identity which form the core of social ideas and mentalities about the world.

This year’s MEMSA Conference will focus on how people in the Medieval and Early Modern World engaged with, understood, and interpreted the past, in order to explore the ways in which they perceived and sought to shape their own world. In doing so, we will also be able to gain a greater awareness of how past worlds still contribute to shaping our own present perceptions.

We welcome abstract submissions from postgraduates and early career researchers from any discipline engaged in the study of the Medieval and Early Modern periods, including History, Literature, Archaeology, Theology, Art, Music, Languages, and Culture. Possible presentation themes may include, but are not limited to:

  • (Re)use of landscape, architecture, artefacts, and art
  • Myths, legends and oral tradition
  • Memory, remembering and memorials
  • Perceptions of truth and authority
  • Creation and reworking of historical narratives
  • Translation and adaptation of literary texts
  • Religious and political reform
  • Reform, restoration and revolution
  • Progression, improvement and enlightenment
  • The production of knowledge and networks of learning
  • Links to the ancient world
  • Technological developments
  • Destruction of peoples / suppression of ideas
  • Later interpretations of the period, e.g. in film, literature and education

In addition to the panels, the conference will include two keynote addresses, by Dr Helen Smith (University of York, CREMS), and Dr Len Scales (Durham University, Department of History). There will also be an opportunity to take a tour of Durham Cathedral and Castle for any interested delegates.

Please send abstracts of 200-300 words to [email protected] for papers no longer than 20 minutes by Friday, April 14, 2017.

For more information, please visit our blog, website, or sponsor’s pages:
durhammemsa.wordpress.com * dur.ac.uk/imems/memsa * dur.ac.uk/imems.   Arranged with the support of Durham University’s Institute of Medieval and Early Modern Studies


Abigail Steed and Kelly Clarke

PhD Candidates, Durham University, Department of History MEMSA Conference 2017 Conveners

email: [email protected]

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