Due Jan 15 | CfP – “Crossing Boundaries: Disruption, Disturbance, and Defiance”

Crossing Boundaries: Disruption, Disturbance, and Defiance
Forty-fourth Annual Warren Susman Graduate Conference
April 1, 2022
Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey
Submission Deadline: January 15, 2022

The 44th Annual Warren Susman Graduate Conference welcomes papers from graduate students in history as well as other humanities disciplines on the theme of histories across boundaries. We invite submissions for individual papers and panels from graduate students at all levels and in all departments. Proposals may cover all fields and approaches of historical scholarship and span chronology and geography. We particularly welcome proposals that connect histories across the boundaries of race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, religion, technology, borders, and species.

Topics may include, but are not limited to:

● Stories of migration, diaspora, or cross-geographic connections
● Categories of race across time, space, or culture
● (Trans) readings of gender, sexuality, space, or humanisms
● The boundaries of technology, quarantine, medicine, or health
● Local or community studies across geographic, social, or national borders

Abstracts of up to 300 words with a working title, as well as a one-page curriculum vitae, should
be sent by January 15, 2022, to [email protected]. Selected participants will be
notified of their acceptance by mid-February. The conference will take place in the Rutgers
Academic Building (West), in Rooms 6050 and 6051. There will be a hybrid element to the
conference, so we welcome panelists and attendees who prefer to appear via zoom.

Please join us after the conference for a keynote lecture given by Dr. Jen Manion (PhD
Rutgers, 2008), Professor of History and Sexuality, Women’s, & Gender Studies at Amherst
College. Dr. Manion’s scholarship addresses social and cultural histories of gender and sexuality
in the United States and the United Kingdom. Professor Manion’s most recent book is Female
Husbands: A Trans History (Cambridge, 2020). Dinner will follow the keynote.

Please send proposal submissions as well as any questions to [email protected]


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